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Why I Want to Become a Project Manager? – Lim Sang

Lim Sang is a member of the ProjectManagers.Org community. He shares his story on why he wants to become a Project Manager in the following interview:

Why do you want to become a Project Manager? 

I had started to work after I got bachelor degree of Accounting from my local university name as Pannasastra University sine 2007. I have been working many as Accountant and Finance Officer with NGOs as usual now. I have started to learn on the Project Management online with many free education online for everyone to be more get knowledge about Project Management.

What are you doing now? 

I have been working on the Finance Officer with Local NGOs in Cambodia.

When was the moment you decided to make the change?

I have one idea to change my dream to be business man that can help also in society as well as development project in Cambodia.

Are you happy with starting the change?

Yes, I am very happy to change if my dream will be successful.

What do you miss and what don’t you miss?

I am still miss for many career as project manager that I am still fulfill my knowledge with Project Management.

How do you go about making this career move?

I am still making go to new career now.

How do you handle your finances to make your change possible? 

The finance will be saved from my work salary to move new career like Project Manager.

What is the most difficult thing about changing?

It is very difficult that we start to change from my finance to project field.

What are other difficulties and how will you overcome them?

After I will finish my project course I will overcome to change a little bit first in the first step.

What help will you get?

Probably will need some help from you.

What have you already learnt in the process?

I am still involve the project expenditure and compare with project field.

What would you advise others to do in the same situation?

Yes, I would advice my friends if they want to move on the new career.

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