The title of this article was inspired in the Ian Webster’s article contribution to the last #PMFlashBlog. He tells us that some Project managers cualified for running large and large complex projects, are now working on projects that have been cut into smaller pieces. I imagine that in fact they more ‘Work Package resposibles’ than real PMs as we understand it.
The problem on this situation is that the PM profession gets a bit devalued, because probably those PMs don’t follow specific PM methodologies and they only manage tasks. This makes that PM could be percibed as a role that everyone can undertake.
At it was a previous article covering also this point: What is a project and why is The Apprentice wrong by Carl Griffiths.
This is the two sides of the same coin: Project Manager profession is expanding very fast, but in the other side it is being misunderstood what is a Project Manager.
Because in fact a Project Manager is a Change Agent. Who drives change from a situation A to a situation B, and for that he has being trained to develop the required abilities for managing some critical areas: scope, time, cost, risk, quality, human resources, procurement, communications, stakeholder, integration.
About this key point of being a Change Agent, Lindsay Scott in her contribution to the #PMFlashBlog tells us that some PMs are not very concerned about their career development and new oportunities, and are only centered in internal assignments. Project Managers not interested in Changes, it’s curious, this should be something inside their veins.
What is your opinion about current Project Manager profession?
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