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Apply ISO 21500 in our Information Security Project. Recently we tried to practice ISO 21500 framework to our Information Security Projects, as you can see, ISO 21500 brings best project management practices together, but it is not a new project management standard.
ISO 21500 identifies the recommended project management processes that should be applied, consisting of 5 process groups and 39 processes devided into 10 project management themes, called subject groups.
The 5 process groups (Initiating, Planning, Implementing, Controlling, Closing) based on the deming circle (Plan –> Do –> Check –> Act).
At the begining, we prepared our Project Charter to define our Sponsor, PM, Customer relationship with all Stakeholders and highlight the project description, also described the High-level project and our services requirements, of course, we had considered project’s Scope, Time, Cost, Quality and Other specified Objectives and successful criteria.
So that we started to planning all the activity of this project, define Assumptions section to encourage all of our Stakeholders understanding what is the right and obligation of this project, we also define the project Scope more detail at this process, estimate the Resources and Organization, estimate Milestones of the important steps,identify the possible Risks and plan Quality, Procurement and Communication issues.
After we got this project, we started to implement our work and developed a good Team to help our Customer to checking their Information Security Infrastructure, in this process, we followed the deming circle to continuity Do and Check our Project Team Members’ job activities and their Performances, we have been implemented Change Management process when we adjusted our service scope and schedule.
Everything had been Controlled at the whole project life cycle, it was rely on our good Risk Management Audit and Control activities.
Finally, we successed to grasp the whole picture of all kinds of hidden information security issues of our Customer’s Environment, we also analysis what worked well and what can be improved at is project, completely collected it for Lessons Learned process, we Closing out The Project after final report and presentation to the Sponsor and Customer’s Senior Management.
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