Today I share with you the Hansei definition, which is a key concept of the Toyota Production System. To learn more about what is Hansei, continue on!
What is Hansei?
Recognising and pondering errors is the way to not rehashing them. That is the guideline behind Hansei.
Hansei (English: Self-reflection): To perceive slip-ups and make suitable move to maintain a strategic distance from re-occurrence.
Even if an errand is finished effectively, Toyota perceives the requirement for a hansei-kai, or reflection meeting; a procedure that distinguishes disappointments experienced en route and make clear anticipates future endeavors. A failure to distinguish issues is generally observed as a sign that you didn’t stretch to meet or surpass desires, that you were not adequately basic or target in your examination, or that you need unobtrusiveness and lowliness. Inside the process, no issue is itself a problem.
Continual reflection is a necessity for all Toyota individuals and one way this happens is through Genchi Genbutsu.